2 – Creation and the Creator

1. By whom and when were both the heavens and the earth made? (Genesis 1:1)

2. For what purpose did God make the heavens and the earth? (Isaiah 45:18)

3. What do the Scriptures state that the heavens declare? (Psalm 19:1)

4. To whom is worship and adoration at all times due? (Psalm 95:6)

5. What will become of the graven images and false gods of the heathen? (Jeremiah 10:11)

6. How does God contrast His own power with that of false gods, and in what way does He inform us to distinguish between them? (Isaiah 41:22-23)

7. Who created man, and whose likeness is he? (Genesis 1:27)

8. The character and power of man is just a little inferior to what great class of God’s creatures? (Psalm 8:4-5)

9. What home did God first give man after his creation? (Genesis 2:8)

10. What did the Lord provide for food for this man, and what did He give him to do? (Genesis 2:9,15)

11. What great lesson may we learn through the things that are made? (Romans 1:20)

12. In view of the curse upon this earth by reason of disobedience and sin, what hath our Creator promised? (Isaiah 65:17)

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